Sunday, November 13, 2016

Five Places Frequented in Indonesia

Five Places Frequented in Indonesia
        Indonesia is also known as a tourist destination mystical almost all regions have the mystique that makes curiosity then this article I review various haunted place in Indonesia, diverse tourist attractions that exist in Indonesia for example goa era dutch, heritage buildings dutch at the time, all over the place the usually have a watchman with a different background, let's look at the following list

1.Goa Kontilalo Papua

Kontilalo cave in Papua. Visitors who want to enter the cave must have equipment such as flashlights, boots, helmets and other safety equipment. The equipment is used to protect yourself from harm. Wonders that exist in the cave, it makes visitors wonder.Wonders who is inside the cave is the repository of a mystery. The mystery is in the form of paintings depicting humans but in a peculiar form. The shape of the painting was indeed resemble the shape of a man but has a round head and no hair. People around the trust if the painting is an alien.

2.Lawang sewu

Lawang Sewu is one of the tourist attractions are located disemarang mystical. The building stands since 1904 is believed to be the headquarters of the Dutch Army during the colonial period in Indonesia. The basement contained within this building used as a place of torture and the murder of the Dutch.The rooms that are in Lawang Sewu believed to have the air of a haunted because of frequent sightings of the spirits of the place. The cry and the cry is often heard in the basement. Entering the room we would feel goose bumps and had to have the courage high.

3.Gunung merapi

Mount Merapi is an active mountain for 5 years and is in the province of Central Java. The mountains in Indonesia is believed to be the home of the genie. This often raises Places supernatural phenomena that are difficult to explain with science. Genesis is often the case that the discovery of unseen market that is home to spirits. This market will look like ordinary markets that appear at night but will disappear when the sun rises.

4.Goa jepang

The history of these places is the first place is used as the headquarters of the defense by the Japanese army. Mound of dirt that is inside the cave is believed to be the bed of the Army of Dai Nippon. Construction of the cave is done by force or known by the term "Romusha". Activity is what ultimately led to this place being haunted. Visitors who are here on a day or night often hear cries and screams and the appearance of people who were tortured by the Japanese Army.

5.Pulau kumala,

Kumala Island is one of the tourist attractions ysng combines modern technology and traditional culture. The island currently has facilities such as cable cars and the sky tower with a height of 100 meters. These attractions have also been equipped with a hotel and cottages. This place was once a forest inhabited by wild star and would sink if the Mahakam river overflowed. Visitors of this region often feel creepy atmosphere. People never see figure genderuwo dipepohonan that exist within this island. Visitors who are here also often find themselves seated female figure in plaster.

Five Legendary Indonesian Kris

      Like where this one to get to know much more about the weapons be used antiquity Kris is one of the typical weapon of Indonesia. Since 2005 officially kris registered on the UNESCO world cultural heritage as a legacy of the Indonesian non material . As it is our obligation to keep this cultural heritage. kris has prided us in the eyes of the world, a dagger has been the official identity Indonesia.however pity that sometimes we inherit extraordinary culture is actually forgot it. Even history alone is not the most cool to know.For this time invite you to recall the history of one of this nation's heritage is Keris

1.Keris Nagasasra dan Sabuk Inten

Keris Belt Inten Nagasasra and heirlooms are two relics of the King of Majapahit. Nagasasra is the name of one kitchen keris luk thirteen and some are luk her of nine and eleven, so the mention of the name of this kitchen must be accompanied by stating the number of keris luk-nya.Bagian gandik is carved with the shape of a dragon's head, while the body is described by scales smooth follow luk at the middle bar to the end keris.Salah one keris with best Nagasasra kitchen, is the work of masters Ki Nom, is a famous master, and living in the end times until the Majapahit kingdom during the reign of Sultan Agung Anyokrokusumo in Mataram. Belt Inten kitchen, as well as a kitchen Nagasasra has belasdengan luk three different characteristics that have swag, flower nut, Lambe elephants and greneng

2.Keris Taming Sari

tell the original owner of the keris is a warrior or upstream balang Majapahit kingdom called Taming Sari. This Keris kemudianya exchanging hands to Melaka warrior who has triumphed kill Taming Sari named Hang Tuah. The ownership transfer happened in a duel dagger that is extraordinary among Taming Sari and Hang Tuah, which was eventually won by Hang Tuah.

3.Keris Condong Campur

Mixed skew is one belonging to the kingdom of Majapahit keris is often mentioned in legends and folklore. Keris is known as the Leaning Kyai Kanjeng Campur.Konon keris is made abuzz by one hundred mpu. Dagger material taken from various places. And finally this keris keris became very powerful but has a nasty disposition.

4.Keris Kyai Satan Kober

Keris Kyai Satan Kober is the name kris of Duke Jipang, Arya Penangsang. Keris is charged at the time he was through warfare against Sutawijaya. One time Kyai Pleret spear used Sutawijaya about Arya Penangsang stomach, until his intestines gushed out. Arya Penangsang swiftly, hooking it on wrangka buraian intestines or sheath-upstream dagger tucked in his waist, and kept fighting. The next moment, Sutawijaya urgency was great and the opportunity was used by Arya Penangsang to immediately penuntaskan proxy war that, by removing the keris from the wrangka or ngliga keris (drew), and without realizing that wilah (an) or eye kris Kyai Satan Kober immediately cut his intestines are hooked on the wrangkanya. He died seketika.Sutawijaya impressed witnessed how gagahnya Arya Penangsang intestines spilled concerning the upstream dagger. He then commanded his sons, that one day marry Arya Penangsang mimic and replace buraian intestine with the circuit or ronce jasmine, so the groom will look more manly, and that tradition remains in use to this day

5.Keris Empu Gandring

Professor Gandring Keris is famous heirloom weapons in the history of the establishment of the kingdom of Singhasari in the area of Malang, East Java now. Keris is famous because of the curse the casualties of the elite Singasari including founder and wearer, Ken Arok. Keris is made by a blacksmith who was known to be powerful named MPU Gandring, order Ken Arok. After completion into a dagger with perfect form and shape even have supernatural abilities that it is said that time exceeds the keris. Then Ken Arok keris test with the MPU Gandring menusukannya thinks that supposedly does not keep promises. Dying, MPU Gandring issued a condemnation that Kris will ask the victim lives of seven generations of Ken Arok. In a way, this keris is involved in a dispute and murder of the royal elite Singhasari: Ametung stumps, Ken Arok, Anusapati and offspring Ken Arok.

Ten Places Indonesia Travel History Should Visit

Ten Places Indonesia Travel History Should Visit

    This time I want to give a little information to the friends who like to visit or travel various country or international because Indonesia is a country of culture and cultural tourism are rich in nature and art culture may be suitable for you who like visit in various places, stout once tourism potential there is in Indonesia but I just can advise a little for the main purpose of all of you.

1.Pura Tanah Lot, Bali

Pura Tanah Lot is a Cultural Tourism Destinations in Bali, Indonesia. D i where there are two temples are situated on a large rock. This temple is a place of worship the sea temple gods guard the sea. This place became one of the most popular places as cultural attractions which are visited by foreign tourists for its natural beauty as well as an amazing place to see the sunset (sunset). Cultural Tourism beautiful object is located in Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, or about 13 kilometers south of the city of Tabanan, Bali. In addition to enjoying the beauty of the sunset at Tanah Lot You can also see Odalan Culture is celebrated every 210 days.

2.Borobudur, Central Java

Borobudur is a Buddhist temple and the largest Buddhist monument in the world, located in the village of Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Stupa shaped temple was built by followers of Religion Buddha'dari 8th century. "Borobudur is a masterpiece of Buddhist art Indonesia as an example of harmony percapaian center of the architecture and aesthetics of art Buddha in Java. Borobudur temple you can see the continuation of local elements punden megalithic structures or pyramid were found from prehistoric period Indonesia.Bangunan which included one of Unesco's World Heritage Sites than as Indonesia's most popular cultural attractions in Indonesia, Borobudur is still used as a especially religious shrine commemorating Trisuci day, Vesak.

3.Candi Prambanam, Sleman

Prambanam Temple or Temple of Loro Jonggrang is a Culture Travel Destinations Indonesia was built in the 9th century AD in the District of Prambanan, Sleman and District Prambanan, Klaten, or about 17 kilometers northeast of the city of Yogyakarta. The temple is included as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia as well as the most beautiful and most magnificent temples in Southeast Asia makes Prambanan as Cultural Tourism Palling place popular for tourists around the world.

4.Pura Luhur Uluwatu, Bali

Pura Luhur Uluwatu is a temple located at the southwestern tip of Bali Island on the bridge and the steep rocks and overhanging high sea le is a temple of Heaven Sad believed by the Hindu community as a buffer of 9 winds. Temple located in the village of Pecatu, Kuta District, Badung, Bali Province has become very popular because underneath is a Beach Pecatu often used as a sports surfing (surf) world class. Even many international surfing events held in Pecatu Beach. Renowned waves at this beach is very suitable to be surfing in addition to enjoying the natural beauty of Bali which is very indulgent eye.

5.Palace Tirta Ganga, Bali

Palace Tirta Ganga is a former royal palace, located in the eastern part, Bali or about 5 kilometers of Karangasem close to Mount Agung. This place became famous and very popular among tourists and foreign tourists for its water palace owned by the Kingdom of Karangasem. In the Water Palace Tirta Gangga you will be served by a maze of pools and fountains surrounded by lush gardens and beautiful statues.

6.USS Liberty Ship Wreck, Bali

Karam ship USS Liberty was a warship that has foundered due to the onset of World War II in 1942. Water in a shipwreck became popeler and amazing because overgrown various colorful corals as well as a place of interest for marine life that live among the ruins of an old iron ship , Reefs in this ship has been so since sunk since 1942 and so many foreign divers who come to visit to see the underwater sights Shipwrecks USS Liberty in the waters around the island of Bali.

7.Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh

Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is the Sultanate of Aceh mosque built by Sultan Iskandar Muda Mahkota Alam in the year 1022 AD. The building is beautiful and majestic that is similar to the Taj Mahal, India is located right in the heart of the capital Banda Aceh. As a historical place that has historical value high, are currently Masjid Raya Baiturrahman also serve as place Cultural Tourism is able to make the tourists who come amazed history and the beauty of its architecture, carvings attractive, large courtyard with pond water fountain style Turkish Empire Ottoman ,

8.Pura Tirta Empul, Bali

Tirta Empul Temple is a Hindu temple located in the district of Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia. This place became famous and popular among travelers with holy water where people are looking for a Balinese Hindu purification diri.Pura built in 962 AD during the Wangsa Warmadewa, At their large springs. While her left side there is a modern villa on a hill that was originally built for a visit by President Sukarno in 1954 which is now used as a sanitarium for important guests.

9.Besakih, Bali

Besakih Temple is a temple complex located in the village Besakih, District Rendang, Karangasem, Bali is the hub of the entire temple in Bali. Among the many ostensibly contained in the complex Besakih, Penataran is the biggest temple and most buildings pilinggihnya, most types upakaryanya and is the center of all the temple in the temple complex Besakih.Selain used as a place of worship, Pura Besakih proposed as UNESCO World Heritage site is also one of the Popular Travel Sites Bali Island is visited by many tourists

10.Maimun Palace, Medan

Isatana Maimun is a Deliyang Sultanate Palace is also one of the icons of the city of Medan, North Sumatra. Isatana that was designed by the Italian architecture and was built by the Sultan of Deli, Sultan Mahmud Al-Rashid in 1891 AD. Arela building which has an area of ​​2,772 square meters and 30, this room consists of two floors and has three parts: the main building, a building left wing and right wing of the building. Currently Maimun Palace is one of the Most Popular Places Cultural Tourism in Indonesia because of old age, but also has a unique interior design that combines elements of Malay Cultural Heritage style Islam, Spain, India and Italy.

History Museum In Indonesia

History Museum In Indonesia

    what you like to walk to the museums both in Indonesia and in the world has experienced a development. Museum no longer want to be called as 'warehouses' to store antiques such as the notion of society in general, but the museum strives to be a place where visitors can feel an atmosphere and a different experience, which only will they get if they visit the museum. paradigm, the museum also must be able to deliver mission edukasinya it to all levels of society. Museum is not just a place to educate the public, but being a place of learning, which includes a place where visitors can gain experience

1.Museum Fatahilah  (1707-1710)

Also known as the Jakarta History Museum, when you come to travel to Jakarta, you should visit the Museum Fatahillah in Jakarta. Located in the center of Fatahillah Square in Jalan Pintu Besar Utara 27. There are two other museums in this square. You will also be impressed with a fountain in its center and a Portuguese cannon.

2.Museum Bank Indonesia (1828)

Located on Jl. Pintu Besar Utara No. 3 Jakarta Barat (front Beos Station). This building was first built in 1828, the results of legacy De Javasche Bank in the Dutch colonial period.

3.Museum Mulawarman (1971)

Situated in Tenggarong, about 45 Km from Samarinda and about 110 kilometers from Balikpapan. The museum was officially declared on 25 November 1971 by the Governor of East Kalimantan (Mr. HA Wahab Syahranie), which then disreahkan to the Ministry of Education and Culture on 18 February 1976. The collection includes: Kutai Royal Jewellery, ceramics of the period of Hindu and Islam old spear, gamelan, throne, cannon swept the world, and the collection of the Sultan of Bulungan, Sand Sultan, Sultan Sambaliung, and Sultan Gunung Tabur.

4. Museum Bahari (1652-1771)

Maritime Museum is a museum that holds collections relating to maritime and kenelayanan of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke.The collection is stored consists of various types of traditional boats with various shapes, styles and ornaments, until the time of the VOC ship. Presented various models and miniature modern ships and equipment support shipping activities. On the other hand displayed a collection of marine life, data types and distribution of fish in the waters of Indonesia and miscellaneous supplies fishing and shipping (navigation tools, anchor, binoculars, a model lighthouse and a variety of cannon), technology traditional boat building and folklore customs fishing communities Archipelago. Complementing the appearance of maritime Indonesia, the museum also displays the dimension of the Navy, cartography collection, Onrust Island mockup, figures maritime archipelago and boat trips KPM Batavia - Amsterdam.

5.  Museum wayang (1640)

Puppet Museum is a museum located in Jalan Pintu Besar Utara No. 27, West Jakarta. Building that looks unique and interesting it has several times been recast. This building was originally named De Oude Hollandsche Kerk ("Old Dutch Church") and the first built in 1640. In 1732 repaired and renamed De Nieuwe Hollandse Kerk (New Church Netherlands) until 1808 due to destroyed by an earthquake in the same year , Debris on the ground it is built the puppet museum and its use as a museum inaugurated on August 13, 1975. Although it has been restored several old and new parts of the church still appears visible in this building.

6.Musium Nasional Repoblik Indonesia  (1778)

On 24 April, 1778 a group of intellectuals founded the Dutch scientific institute with the name Bataviaasch van Kunsten en Genotschap Wetenschappen, (Batavia Society for Arts and Sciences). This private entity has the aim of promoting research in the fields of art and science, especially in history, archeology, ethnography and physics, and publish the findings.One of the founders JCM Radermacher, contributing to the development and collection of cultural objects and books, which have great potential to start a museum and a library for the community.

7.Musium Taman Prasasti (1795)

Inscription Park Museum is a museum of cultural heritage legacy of the Dutch colonial period is located at Jalan Tanah Abang No. 1, Central Jakarta. This museum has a collection of ancient tombstone inscriptions as well as the miniature tomb typical of the 27 provinces in Indonesia, along with a collection of antique hearse. Museum area of 1.2 ha is an open-air museum displaying works of art from the past about the sophistication of the sculptor, engraver, calligrapher and poet who fused

8.Musium Seni Rupa Dan Keramik (1870)

This building was founded anatar years 1866-1870, but that was inaugurated as a museum in 1976 by President Soeharto at that time. The style of this building is the only building in the style of Classical Greece in the area of Jakarta City.

9.Musium Gula Jawa Tengah ( 1982)

Sugar Museum Central Java is located in Gondangwinangun, Jogonalan sub-district, Klaten district, bordering with the province of Jogjakarta and Surakarta in the west to the east. For most people, just like a museum rosokan (thrift) that no longer work and does not need a lot of views. So no wonder that the museum is a "tourist" spots on the most recent last alternative by kabanyakan society. And no surprise, too, if museums in Central Java more sparsely attended than the Mall and the beach. Seeing these conditions, trying to revive the museum as a place full of knowledge and history about how to look at the past through the items in the museum. Having traveled around Ronggowarsito Semarang, Central Java Museum and the Railway Museum in Ambarawa, try to look for a moment another museum called the Museum Central Java Sugar Gondang winangun.

10.Museum Kereta Api Ambarawa (1976)

Railway Museum ambarawa is the target of the next visit after leaving the area Ambarawa Monument. It only takes a few minutes drive just to get to the location of the museum of the monuments that struggle. Railway Museum ambarawa an old station colonial legacy. This museum houses various types of antique steam locomotive that was used in various places in Indonesia, and various objects associated with trains and railway systems. Location of the museum used to be a meeting point between a train track with a width of 1,435 mm toward Kedungjati with rail width 1067 mm track towards Yogyakarta via Magelang. The museum was established on October 6, 1976 to keep the steam locomotives of 1,435 mm when the rail line was closed.