Like where this one to get to know much more about the weapons be used antiquity Kris is one of the typical weapon of Indonesia. Since 2005 officially kris registered on the UNESCO world cultural heritage as a legacy of the Indonesian non material . As it is our obligation to keep this cultural heritage. kris has prided us in the eyes of the world, a dagger has been the official identity Indonesia.however pity that sometimes we inherit extraordinary culture is actually forgot it. Even history alone is not the most cool to know.For this time invite you to recall the history of one of this nation's heritage is Keris
1.Keris Nagasasra
dan Sabuk Inten
Belt Inten Nagasasra and heirlooms are two relics of the King of Majapahit.
Nagasasra is the name of one kitchen keris luk thirteen and some are luk her of
nine and eleven, so the mention of the name of this kitchen must be accompanied
by stating the number of keris luk-nya.Bagian gandik is carved with the shape
of a dragon's head, while the body is described by scales smooth follow luk at
the middle bar to the end keris.Salah one keris with best Nagasasra kitchen, is
the work of masters Ki Nom, is a famous master, and living in the end times
until the Majapahit kingdom during the reign of Sultan Agung Anyokrokusumo in
Mataram. Belt Inten kitchen, as well as a kitchen Nagasasra has belasdengan luk
three different characteristics that have swag, flower nut, Lambe elephants and
Taming Sari
the original owner of the keris is a warrior or upstream balang Majapahit
kingdom called Taming Sari. This Keris kemudianya exchanging hands to Melaka
warrior who has triumphed kill Taming Sari named Hang Tuah. The ownership
transfer happened in a duel dagger that is extraordinary among Taming Sari and
Hang Tuah, which was eventually won by Hang Tuah.
3.Keris Condong Campur
skew is one belonging to the kingdom of Majapahit keris is often mentioned in
legends and folklore. Keris is known as the Leaning Kyai Kanjeng Campur.Konon
keris is made abuzz by one hundred mpu. Dagger material taken from various
places. And finally this keris keris became very powerful but has a nasty
Kyai Satan Kober
Kyai Satan Kober is the name kris of Duke Jipang, Arya Penangsang. Keris is
charged at the time he was through warfare against Sutawijaya. One time Kyai
Pleret spear used Sutawijaya about Arya Penangsang stomach, until his
intestines gushed out. Arya Penangsang swiftly, hooking it on wrangka buraian
intestines or sheath-upstream dagger tucked in his waist, and kept fighting.
The next moment, Sutawijaya urgency was great and the opportunity was used by
Arya Penangsang to immediately penuntaskan proxy war that, by removing the
keris from the wrangka or ngliga keris (drew), and without realizing that wilah
(an) or eye kris Kyai Satan Kober immediately cut his intestines are hooked on
the wrangkanya. He died seketika.Sutawijaya impressed witnessed how gagahnya
Arya Penangsang intestines spilled concerning the upstream dagger. He then
commanded his sons, that one day marry Arya Penangsang mimic and replace
buraian intestine with the circuit or ronce jasmine, so the groom will look
more manly, and that tradition remains in use to this day
Empu Gandring
Gandring Keris is famous heirloom weapons in the history of the establishment
of the kingdom of Singhasari in the area of Malang, East Java now. Keris is
famous because of the curse the casualties of the elite Singasari including
founder and wearer, Ken Arok. Keris is made by a blacksmith who was known to be
powerful named MPU Gandring, order Ken Arok. After completion into a dagger
with perfect form and shape even have supernatural abilities that it is said
that time exceeds the keris. Then Ken Arok keris test with the MPU Gandring
menusukannya thinks that supposedly does not keep promises. Dying, MPU Gandring
issued a condemnation that Kris will ask the victim lives of seven generations
of Ken Arok. In a way, this keris is involved in a dispute and murder of the
royal elite Singhasari: Ametung stumps, Ken Arok, Anusapati and offspring Ken
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