History Museum In Indonesia
what you like to walk to the museums both in Indonesia
and in the world has experienced a development. Museum no longer want to be
called as 'warehouses' to store antiques such as the notion of society in
general, but the museum strives to be a place where visitors can feel an
atmosphere and a different experience, which only will they get if they visit
the museum. paradigm, the museum also must be able to deliver mission
edukasinya it to all levels of society. Museum is not just a place to educate
the public, but being a place of learning, which includes a place where
visitors can gain experience
1.Museum Fatahilah (1707-1710)
known as the Jakarta History Museum, when you come to travel to Jakarta, you
should visit the Museum Fatahillah in Jakarta. Located in the center of
Fatahillah Square in Jalan Pintu Besar Utara 27. There are two other museums in
this square. You will also be impressed with a fountain in its center and a
Portuguese cannon.
2.Museum Bank Indonesia (1828)
on Jl. Pintu Besar Utara No. 3 Jakarta Barat (front Beos Station). This
building was first built in 1828, the results of legacy De Javasche Bank in the
Dutch colonial period.
3.Museum Mulawarman (1971)
in Tenggarong, about 45 Km from Samarinda and about 110 kilometers from
Balikpapan. The museum was officially declared on 25 November 1971 by the
Governor of East Kalimantan (Mr. HA Wahab Syahranie), which then disreahkan to
the Ministry of Education and Culture on 18 February 1976. The collection
includes: Kutai Royal Jewellery, ceramics of the period of Hindu and Islam old
spear, gamelan, throne, cannon swept the world, and the collection of the
Sultan of Bulungan, Sand Sultan, Sultan Sambaliung, and Sultan Gunung Tabur.
4. Museum Bahari (1652-1771)
Maritime Museum is a museum that holds
collections relating to maritime and kenelayanan of Indonesia from Sabang to
Merauke.The collection is stored consists of various types of traditional boats
with various shapes, styles and ornaments, until the time of the VOC ship.
Presented various models and miniature modern ships and equipment support
shipping activities. On the other hand displayed a collection of marine life,
data types and distribution of fish in the waters of Indonesia and
miscellaneous supplies fishing and shipping (navigation tools, anchor,
binoculars, a model lighthouse and a variety of cannon), technology traditional
boat building and folklore customs fishing communities Archipelago. Complementing
the appearance of maritime Indonesia, the museum also displays the dimension of
the Navy, cartography collection, Onrust Island mockup, figures maritime
archipelago and boat trips KPM Batavia - Amsterdam.
5. Museum wayang (1640)
Museum is a museum located in Jalan Pintu Besar Utara No. 27, West Jakarta.
Building that looks unique and interesting it has several times been recast.
This building was originally named De Oude Hollandsche Kerk ("Old Dutch
Church") and the first built in 1640. In 1732 repaired and renamed De
Nieuwe Hollandse Kerk (New Church Netherlands) until 1808 due to destroyed by
an earthquake in the same year , Debris on the ground it is built the puppet
museum and its use as a museum inaugurated on August 13, 1975. Although it has
been restored several old and new parts of the church still appears visible in
this building.
6.Musium Nasional Repoblik Indonesia (1778)
On 24 April, 1778 a group of
intellectuals founded the Dutch scientific institute with the name Bataviaasch
van Kunsten en Genotschap Wetenschappen, (Batavia Society for Arts and
Sciences). This private entity has the aim of promoting research in the fields
of art and science, especially in history, archeology, ethnography and physics,
and publish the findings.One of the founders JCM Radermacher, contributing to
the development and collection of cultural objects and books, which have great
potential to start a museum and a library for the community.
Taman Prasasti (1795)
Park Museum is a museum of cultural heritage legacy of the Dutch colonial
period is located at Jalan Tanah Abang No. 1, Central Jakarta. This museum has
a collection of ancient tombstone inscriptions as well as the miniature tomb
typical of the 27 provinces in Indonesia, along with a collection of antique
hearse. Museum area of 1.2 ha is an open-air museum displaying works of art
from the past about the sophistication of the sculptor, engraver, calligrapher
and poet who fused
8.Musium Seni Rupa Dan Keramik (1870)
building was founded anatar years 1866-1870, but that was inaugurated as a
museum in 1976 by President Soeharto at that time. The style of this building
is the only building in the style of Classical Greece in the area of Jakarta
Gula Jawa Tengah ( 1982)
Museum Central Java is located in Gondangwinangun, Jogonalan sub-district,
Klaten district, bordering with the province of Jogjakarta and Surakarta in the
west to the east. For most people, just like a museum rosokan (thrift) that no
longer work and does not need a lot of views. So no wonder that the museum is a
"tourist" spots on the most recent last alternative by kabanyakan
society. And no surprise, too, if museums in Central Java more sparsely
attended than the Mall and the beach. Seeing these conditions, trying to revive
the museum as a place full of knowledge and history about how to look at the
past through the items in the museum. Having traveled around Ronggowarsito
Semarang, Central Java Museum and the Railway Museum in Ambarawa, try to look for
a moment another museum called the Museum Central Java Sugar Gondang winangun.
10.Museum Kereta Api Ambarawa (1976)
Museum ambarawa is the target of the next visit after leaving the area Ambarawa
Monument. It only takes a few minutes drive just to get to the location of the
museum of the monuments that struggle. Railway Museum ambarawa an old station
colonial legacy. This museum houses various types of antique steam locomotive
that was used in various places in Indonesia, and various objects associated with
trains and railway systems. Location of the museum used to be a meeting point
between a train track with a width of 1,435 mm toward Kedungjati with rail
width 1067 mm track towards Yogyakarta via Magelang. The museum was established
on October 6, 1976 to keep the steam locomotives of 1,435 mm when the rail line
was closed.
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