Five Places Frequented in Indonesia
Indonesia is also known as a tourist
destination mystical almost all regions have the mystique that makes curiosity
then this article I review various haunted place in Indonesia, diverse tourist
attractions that exist in Indonesia for example goa era dutch, heritage
buildings dutch at the time, all over the place the usually have a watchman
with a different background, let's look at the following list
1.Goa Kontilalo Papua
cave in Papua. Visitors who want to enter the cave must have equipment such as
flashlights, boots, helmets and other safety equipment. The equipment is used
to protect yourself from harm. Wonders that exist in the cave, it makes
visitors wonder.Wonders who is inside the cave is the repository of a mystery.
The mystery is in the form of paintings depicting humans but in a peculiar
form. The shape of the painting was indeed resemble the shape of a man but has
a round head and no hair. People around the trust if the painting is an alien.
Sewu is one of the tourist attractions are located disemarang mystical. The
building stands since 1904 is believed to be the headquarters of the Dutch Army
during the colonial period in Indonesia. The basement contained within this
building used as a place of torture and the murder of the Dutch.The rooms that
are in Lawang Sewu believed to have the air of a haunted because of frequent
sightings of the spirits of the place. The cry and the cry is often heard in
the basement. Entering the room we would feel goose bumps and had to have the
courage high.
Merapi is an active mountain for 5 years and is in the province of Central
Java. The mountains in Indonesia is believed to be the home of the genie. This
often raises Places supernatural phenomena that are difficult to explain with
science. Genesis is often the case that the discovery of unseen market that is
home to spirits. This market will look like ordinary markets that appear at
night but will disappear when the sun rises.
4.Goa jepang
history of these places is the first place is used as the headquarters of the
defense by the Japanese army. Mound of dirt that is inside the cave is believed
to be the bed of the Army of Dai Nippon. Construction of the cave is done by
force or known by the term "Romusha". Activity is what ultimately led
to this place being haunted. Visitors who are here on a day or night often hear
cries and screams and the appearance of people who were tortured by the
Japanese Army.
Island is one of the tourist attractions ysng combines modern technology and
traditional culture. The island currently has facilities such as cable cars and
the sky tower with a height of 100 meters. These attractions have also been
equipped with a hotel and cottages. This place was once a forest inhabited by
wild star and would sink if the Mahakam river overflowed. Visitors of this
region often feel creepy atmosphere. People never see figure genderuwo
dipepohonan that exist within this island. Visitors who are here also often
find themselves seated female figure in plaster.